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The 3rd Reunion
Springfield, MO.

Our Wonder Girl, Debbie Ozark, Prepared The Minutes Of Our 2008
Business Meeting!
In attendance: Roland Joiner, Eddie Joe Cozart, Rich Ozark, Ted Carr, Ken Mattocks,
Jack Barker, Dan Hafeman, Jesse Wills, Carl Trick, George McDonald, Roy Petska, Vernie Spears, William Durall, Gary Rongstad,
James Noel, Billy Hudson, Don Keller, Lloyd Murphy, Paul Green, Tom Burrows, Charles Fuller, David Albain, Larry Swart, Bill
Munden, Bob Roby, Harold Baggett, Lorene Huckaby, James Corley, Larry Armey, Harry Walters, John Large, Don Lamer, Robert
MacDonald, James McHugh, Rich Gowen, Willie Neal, Doug Moser, Robert Earl Richard, Richard Fries, Willie Monelyon
Pledge of Allegiance
Financial Report - given by Eddie
Joe Cozart
Website Account - $1963.00
Reunion Fund - $4680.00 (before 2008
reunion costs taken out)
Treasurer - Eddie Cozart - nominated by Bob Roby, 2nd by Rich Ozark, all
were in favor
Secretary - Debbie Ozark - nominated and approved by all
Historian Specialist - Bill Munden - nominated by Eddie Cozart and approved by all
Discussion on continuance of Quarterly Newsletter for anyone who does not have access to the
internet - motioned by Don Keller, seconded by all
Idea proposed to start our own 82nd Engineers store. 1 person would have to volunteer
to be in charge and handle all orders. Very time consuming for that individual and the proposal should be discussed further
at a future date and a detailed plan formed.
Voted that the breakdown of reunion fees would continue the same way. There would be different
prices depending on how many days a person was attending. Voted on and approved by all.
Reminder brought up that everyone should keep their name tags and bring them back in 2010 in
order to save on costs.
Confirmed that the reunions would continue every 2 years. It was noted that
if anyone wanted to host and put together a mini reunion during the off years that would be great. Eddie stated that he would
post all the information on the website.
2010 reunion will be held in Myrtle Beach, SC sometime in October. More information will be
Discussed a need for a archive / historian specialist. Any memorabilia could be given to Bill
Munden. He will archive the items and bring them to the reunions to display .
It was noted again this year that if anyone needed help in obtaining their old rosters that
they could speak to Paul Green to get the information on how to contact St. Louis. Everyone was encouraged to reach out to
find old buddies and members. That is really the mission and the whole purpose behind us.
It was suggested and unanimously agreed upon that a table be set in rememberance
of all missing vets. Six (6) chairs will be set at the table to signify each of the branches of our military. The table will
be set with a rose in the middle at all future gatherings.
A POW/MIA chair cover will be purchased with reunion funds. The purchase
was voted and unanimously passed.
Noted that the auction took $1685.00. Thanks to all and to Paul Green. It
was a great time.
Closing prayer was given by our Chaplain Larry Swart

Our 2008 reunion ladies group photos!

Troopers group photos at 2008 reunion!

Before dinner we had the privilege to
HONOR our lost members and Brothers of all services!

After dinner we had the privilege
to HONOR some outstanding Members of the 82nd combat Engineers!

Some photos of the ceremony

Group Photos By Company and Platoons!

Members, Wifes and Friends lined
up for couples and singles photos!

1. Joiner, Roland M. (Wife
Phyllis) 2. Cozart, Eddie J. (Wife Maurine) 3. Carr, (Ted) Theodore R. (Wife
Grace) 4. Mattocks, Kenneth F. (Wife Betty) 5. Barker, Jackie L. (Wife Gloria)
6. Hafeman, Gordon (Dan) (Wife Ceferina) 7. Wills, Jesse E. (Wife Janice) 8.
Trick, Carl W. (Wife Magda) Daughter Jacky 9. McDonald, George R. (Wife Anita) 10.
Roberts, Clyde O. (Wife Maxine) 11. Ozark, Richard G. (Wife Debbie) 12. Petska,
Roy (Wife Donna) 13. Spears, Vernie E. (Wife Dorothy) 14. Durall, William W.
Friend (Sally Pruce) 15. Rongstad, Gary R.(Wife Gloria) 16. Noel, James A. (Wife
Carolyn) 17. Hudson, Billy R. (Wife Barba) 18. Keller, Donald L. 19.
Murphy, Lloyd R. (Wife Lynda) 20. Green, Paul E. & Friend (Roberta Marrett) 21.
Johnson, Steven D. & Friend (Nancy O'Bannon) 22. Burrows, Thomas J. (Wife Audrey) 23.
Fuller, Charles D. 24. Albain, David G. (Wife Carol) 25. Swart, Larry P. (Wife
Karen) 26. Munden, (Bill) William (Wife Catharine) 27. Heinlein, Lothar (Wife
Sandra) 28. Roby, Robert L 29. Baggett, Harold R. (Wife Ann)
30. Huckaby, Lorene (Wife Susan) 31. Corley, James P. (Wife Jennett)
32. Armey, Larry D. (Wife Linda) 33. Walters, Harry L (Wife Irmgard) 34.
Large, John H. (Wife Laura) 35. Lamer, Donald L. 36. MacDonald, Robert C.
37. McHugh, James M. 38. Gowen, Richard L. (Wife Wanita) 39.
Neal, Willie L. (Wife Patricia) 40. Moser, Douglas G. 41. Richard, Robert E.
(Wife Barbara) 42. Fries, Richard P. (Wife Ursula) 43. Willie Monelyon

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Dates were set for 2nd weekend of October
from Members vote at 2007
Thursday 9th, Friday 10th, Saturday 11th
Oct. 2008