How This All Started
I, Eddie J Cozart, put my name on the website Military .com about 10 years ago saying looking for old buddies that were
in A Company of the 82nd Engineers in the early 60s.
December of 04 Bill Munden saw my posting there and gave me a call. He told me he had found a few guys over the years
and still was looking for more. The guys he had found were Morago in WA. State and Mobley in IN. State.
Munden had lots of photos from those days and he sent them to me over the internet. After viewing the photos he sent,
it started to bring back memories that I had completely forgotten of the guys we served with.
Then in January of 05 I got a call from Bill Lowes saying that he had seen my posting on Wow, could not
believe this was happening after 42 plus years.
Lowes had some photos and we shared what we had with each other. Then he came across a list of complete names from some
orders he had and I was able to find a few more guys that served with us.
One of the most important guys off Lowes list that we found was Tom Frey from MI. State. Frey had a complete September
1663 roster of Company A . Thanks Frey for keeping that old roster. From Frey’s roster was able to find most of
you guys so far.
About March of 05 we found Kenneth Oestreich of SD. State. Ken had a Nov. of 1964 roster complete roster for A Company.
From that list was able to find a few more guys.
About October of 05 I found Tom Burrows name on and we made contact and he had a list of drivers that flew
to France to drive the vehicles to Germany in October of 1961 from Fort Leonard Wood Mo. From Burrows list of names was able
to find a few more guys and also guys in other Companies of the 82nd Engrs.
So what you have read so far would have never happened if it was not for Lowes, Freys, Burrows and Oestreich list of names
that we have today.
Then around 2006 Roy Petska from the 237th D Company found us and then we found out that the 237th D Co. only was attached
to us when we got to Germany in Oct 1961. They stayed attached to the 82nd until around Nov. or Dec of 63 and they were converted
to D Co. of the 82nd Engineers. That is how the 237th D Company became part of us.
Eddie J Cozart 4/25/07